Our Mission

Stocking Athletics provides expert training and instruction for both athletes training for sports and the everyday person looking to increase their fitness levels. 

We take athletic training and make it accessible for our clients. Whether you are a professional athlete  looking to develop more power, explosiveness  and speed, or  a stay at home mom looking to get back into your high school jeans, we can teach you the right way to train based on your individual fitness level and experience. 

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Last two weeks of training....

Since everyone else posts their training, I thought I would do the same thing ( for the 3 girls that this might interest...lol). It will be good for me keep better track of my volume and intensity. Also if any of the coaches I know could look over it and offer advice, that would be much appreciated! getting ready for a PL meet in a month and working on Power in O-lifts. People always ask me about my lifting so here ya go...

#= pounds. 

July 25-July 30 training notes

Sometimes I bike for like 15-30 min before and I warm up for about 15-20 minutes. 
I like to be nice and loose and joints pain free. Less time to train this week, so cut out some Olympic lifting volume to concentrate my legs and arms for strength lifts.

Day 1 Sunday
Power snatch+ snatch balance 3+3 8 sets @ 54 kilos and 56 kilos

Back Squat
Warm up sets……then
245 lbs x1
265 x1 lbs
275x1 lbs
285x1 lbs

work sets

245 9x3


Shoulder press
95lbs x5
100lbs x5,5,5,5,

Goodmorning, shrugs, pull ups, tri, rear delts, core

Day 2- Monday- not really into it.

Power Clean and Split Jerk
64 K x2
68k x2
Squat clean and jerk- 80x1,1. Sucked
Power Clean and J -lower back down
68 x1
78 x1 squat ish

Front Squat

185 lbs x5
205 5x3, no belt

Back Squat Lockouts, from a little above parallel
275lbs 5x4

Regular assistance stuff

Tuesday day 3

Snatch push press 135 lbs 5x5
Snatch High pull 115 lbs x5, 5
125 x 5,5,5

135 lbs x5
225x3, or 5?
275 x1

295 5x3--!!!! Yes!!

Behind Neck Press
95 lbs 5x5

Incline bench
Goodmorning, shrugs, rows, tri, core

Wed day 4

Back Squats
Warm up then…


Rack Squats lockuts

275 x5
315 x5,4

Shoulder Press
105x 5x5-yes!

Assistance stuff, core

Thursday-HORRIBLE life day! Fuck! So annoyed

Power Snatch
45 Kx 3,3, 5x5, pause below knee

Snatch High Pulls, 54 k 5x5

Bench, forgot routine, so I did
155 lbs 5x3-yes!!! No spotter

Push Press 145 lbs 5x3

Some assistance, pull ups, tri, ect

Friday Day 6
Soo tired

Power Clean + Power Jerk + Split Jerk
68 k 10 singles


Dumbbell bench press, for fun! Coordination weird! Haha


not really hard but awkward b/c I don’t do them EVER!


257 x2
315 x 5 singles!!
275 3x3- should have done more, but tired from WORK. I AM NOT OVERTRAINED.

Rack DL-no straps

Behind Neck Press
85 lbs 5x5

Goodmorning, shrugs, rows, tri, core, windmills

July 19-23 2010-training notes


-3 Power Snatch+ 3 Snatch Balance-10 sets @ 54 kilos. no straps. Hella Strong!! WOW!!

-Back Squat- ( in #s)
work up to a heavy single!
235 x2
245 x1
265 x1

work sets 10x3
225 3,3,3,3
245 3,3,3,3,3,3

-Behind the neck Snatch Press. 85 # 5x5
-some Stop Squats @ 165# 2 or 3 sets of 5-7 reps, dont recall...
-Good Mornings- 1 or 2 sets of 10 @ 145-155. do them every day....almost
-Bench- following Pavels Series complex, too weird to write it all. just know I bench between 135-170 five times a week to get ready for my PL meet in Sept. its a lil everyday, never going crazy
-Shrugs, rows, assistance, core

-Power Clean and Split Jerk
64 k -1, 1
70 K-2,2
73 k-1
75- 2,2,1,2---great flip over/catch! YES!

-Front Squat
185# x3
205 # x3
225 #x1

work sets

205 # -7 sets of 3

-Front Shoulder Press
95 #x5
105# x 5,4,5,5,5

-Deadlift-goal: between 5-10 sets of 3 at 245 plus...
225# x5

-assistance, core etc
like a Snatch assistance day, without actually snatching since I am benching.

-Snatch Push Press
145 # 5x3

-Snatch High Pull ( below knee)
125 # 5x5

-low shoulder dumbbell complex
-3 diff types of Plyo's-def effected my leg power the next day in a BAD way! fuck that shit!
-pull ups, rows, core etc

-Power Clean and Split Jerk
legs are zapped. boo , shitty day.

64k x2
68k x2,2,2,
73k x 1p 1 squat. damn
78k x 1 p 1 squat. damn
73k x 1p 1 squat. damn
73k x 1p 1 squat. damn.

-Back Squat
225# 5x5, no belt. sooo tired! so no heavy single!

-Front Shoulder Press
95 x5
120 x1, 1
110 x 3,3,3

Good Morning 80 kilos 2x10 easy.
assistance a bit

-Power Snatch
45 Kilos x3
55 x1 power 1 squat
55 x1 power 1 squat

start squatting under....
64- 10 singles

-Snatch Push Press
135 # x5
145 # x3,5,5
155 x2
145 x 4,5,5

Conventional Deadlift-no straps
work up to heavy single....
295 x1

work sets...
275 x3
255 x3
295 x2,3,2

Rack Lockouts at 315 straps about 5 sets at 3-5 reps

Bench- 170 for heavy single at end of workout. raw PR.

Hella Assistance.....

I do more assistance than normal WL people. I feel that it keeps me healthy and able to train harder and long without getting hurt. This doesn't even look like that much stuff....damn gym people talking to me and Zapping my precious training time! LOL!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Gold's Gym Slide Show

only kinda joking....

Check out some pics of me and other people from Golds gym, where I am mainly training at now. I will have some more pics in a bit, of Plyo's, bench, and some upper body. Jerry took pics of me while I was finishing my workout.


Monday, July 12, 2010

CA State Games + Training "Partners"

I did the California State Games this past weekend. I actually had the best meet I have ever had! I made all my attempts and felt really strong, even though it was at 9 am in the morning! I am very happy. I wish I could have lifted more weight, but I really can't complain at all.  JUST HAVE TO GET STRONGER and work on the weak points I see and feel.

I have been soo frustrated with Snatching lately that I just wanted to get this meet over with and do a training cycle where I concentrate on powerlifting, and get to bench and deadlift. I have been planning this. It is not a spur of the moment decision.  Even though you know I can't not snatch! but it will be nice not to have it stress me out. Damn my long arms and mushy elbows! lol.

I have been snatching the same weight for years and have been trying to snatch 70 kilos in competition for about 1.5 years. I have been coaching myself for the past 6-3 months, based on what I have learned from my past coaches, and have also had a bunch of personal issues, or rather changes for the better!  I have a whole bunch of awesome people in my life right now. I feel like I can finally get on with my life.

I love training alone and have never had a training "partner." I don't want someone to follow me (or I follow them) around and lift the same sets and reps and weights and whatnot. blah blah blah.  I want to go at my own crazy ass pace and/or chill pace and take my rest periods how I want. I do, however, really like lifting with a "team" especially a team that has the same attitude that I do. They don't even have to do the same sport. I really liked working out at the same time as the UCLA Throwers! hell yeah! or even the ucla football team, because when you see people lift more weight than you, you (or I) want to train harder and faster and longer.  I love training at Gold's gym! I can do whatever crazy thing I want and no one gives a shit because 80% of the people are outta their freaking minds! Lifting with pro bodybuilders and fitness models make me love Strength Sports even more! but we both are sorta outta our minds and so we all get along. =)

But when I think about it, many, many people have had an influence on me and I have lifted with some pretty amazing people. It is pretty amazing that I can call International Level Athletes from other countries my friends. Thanks to UCLA Athletics. I have so many resources and friends that I can turn to for Weightlifting help, advice and support and that really gives me confidence and makes me feel like everything will turn out OK.

What I love most about Powerlifting and Weightlifting is that while you are competing against others, it really is an individual sport and you can really only lift what you can lift. Even if you "Want It", if you are not strong enough or fast enough or most likely SKILLED enough, you won't "get it." If your competition makes lift and beats you, you still cheer and are happy for them because you know how hard it is to improve and whatnot.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

a fire in my heart.

When you are pursuing a hobby, sport, or whatever and love it with your whole heart and soul, you can't live and pursue it by other people's or the general norm's "rules".  
Even though my passion is weightlifting and strength training to be the absolute strongest girl (er, woman, now I guess) I can be, while still being in shape and not fat, this applies to any passion one has. I know a few people that go their own way and make their own rules and stay true to them no matter what other people say. And they inspire me. I am lucky enough to know quite a few badass chicks (and dudes and family!) and see them quite frequently in the gym, or outside the gym. Unmotivated people will always be jealous of those with drive, motivation and a fire in their heart and will say things to put the other person down or make them seem "crazy", or "obsessed." Whatever. 

Like crabs in a bucket that try to keep the leaders of the pack from escaping, the passionless people will try to bring others down with them with their backhanded compliments, obnoxious questions, and just plain rudeness. Similar to people that have drinking or drug problems and try to pressure others to join them in their destructive behavior.  

When you finally find and discover the activity that you love so much it makes your heart hurt if it is taken away from you, and you would make any sacrifice to have in your life, then you have found your motivation to always work hard and give everything you got. its not even a question. 

My brother Greg loves Jiu-Jitsu and drives to Davis every sunday to train with a certain group of people, even though he lives about 2 hours away. He has taken his time to get his second degree black belt, testing soon, to make sure that he knows and is completely competent in all the techniques and whatnot because he really respects the art and being able to teach it to others. 

My mom is virtually unstoppable! She stopped working for 20 ( ! ) years to raise my two brothers and I, then went BACK to school after 20 years, got a new Masters Degree and fought hard to get an awesome job at the FDA. Now she goes to work everyday for a job she loves, keeps getting more and more responsibilities because she is so amazing, and travels all over the world; like England, for work and for fun; like Lebanon and around the USA all the time. Now...if I could only get her to workout....=)

I did quite a few things before I found lifting and when I found lifting I felt like a door had been opened and that I could FINALLY BE ME! I finally felt like I had come home. It was amazing. I do not understand why some people need "motivation" to work hard, train hard, and give 100% for each and every lift. I TRAIN EVERY DAY LIKE ITS MY LAST. Because it very well could be. If I get hit by a car or whatever, I want to die knowing that I left all I had on the platform, or in the squat rack. To me it is Obvious. I love to work hard at what I love and the thought of quitting half way though or half assing it is incomprehensible to me. Its disgusting to me. If you need to have all this outside motivation, then QUIT, stop complaining, and find something that DRIVES you! 

Don't ever let anyone take away your passion, drive, or self-confidence. If they do and try to stop you or make you feel "guilty" or "shameful" for trying to pursue what you love, then screw 'em. They aren't your real friends and they don't really give a shit about you. And if you can't give the same respect to others then you are a selfish friend, girl/boyfriend, husband, wife, family member.  

Mangaia Cook Islands

Today there is Solar Eclipse as well...nice! This is a live image from the Mangaia Cook Islands. It will also be very visible over EASTER ISLAND, which I am sort of obsessed with and want to visit!