I know in my own weightlifting endeavors I have put accomplishments that I had to fulfill before I could call myself a weightlifter or an athlete or a coach or even a happy, worthwhile person. I built my own glass celling and it was the bulletproof kind that never breaks. I really enjoy working out hard and training like a freaking maniac because I love weightlifting and strength training. Honestly, there is no place I would rather be than at the gym (the more hardcore, the better, req are dirt and chalk and bumper plates). It is never a question in my mind of "oh well I am tired and stressed out, I can skip today." NO WAY. To me that equals Death. That is NEVER an option. (my car got hit and I reported it after my workout. During my training I actually forgot about my car. My weightlifting bar got stolen, I still did my back squats. I was sick as hell over christmas one year and snatched 2 times a day for a week and eventfully snatched 55 kilos for 5x5, when I could only for do it for 1 or 2 reps at the time. So don't give me lame excuses like " I am tired, or it is raining, or my car wont start. FIND A WAY) Skip a set or a rep? I would rather shave my head, or give up splenda. The only time I change up my training plan is if my coach/husband tells me to, or I am in actual pain where I cry. I tell my coach EVERYTHING and he makes the call.
SoI found it rather strange that I even though I am devoting my life to strength and power that I put such limits on myself in terms of when I am actually able to call myself successful. I was WAITING to be happy with myself based on my weightlifting total and that is just silly! Do you LOVE what you do? Do you always want to learn more and improve in every way possible? Will you be back at the gym tomorrow? YES.
I was thinking that to be successful I have to 1) hit a PR or match my current PR in whatever exercise I was doing , snatch and clean and jerk wise (for example, I can hang power snatch 60 kilos, if I an doing hang powers and do not hit 60 , then I am failure for that day), But for Strength movements like squats and pulls and presses, I do not have this requirement b/c from my Powerlifting experience, I know it to be completely detrimental to success. I have seen people max out their back squat every session and get 100 lbs weaker in a short period of time.
So I have come up with a new definition of success, not based on totals, or numbers, or winning, or the olympics or any sort of competition where what YOU do has no influence on what OTHERS do.
It is that I am successful when I devote myself to being the best weightlifter and athlete I can be and training as hard and smart as I can. When I give 100 % of my soul and effort to each lift. Everyday that I get the opportunity to train and be in a gym where I am able to snatch, clean, jerk and squat, is a good day and I count my blessings that I have so many resources and good friends that help me with my lifting endeavors.
That is being successful. Not waiting till I am better than the person standing next to me because we are all on a unique path designed just for us.
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