Our Mission

Stocking Athletics provides expert training and instruction for both athletes training for sports and the everyday person looking to increase their fitness levels. 

We take athletic training and make it accessible for our clients. Whether you are a professional athlete  looking to develop more power, explosiveness  and speed, or  a stay at home mom looking to get back into your high school jeans, we can teach you the right way to train based on your individual fitness level and experience. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fit Expo

The only news I have is that I am gonna Bench and Deadlift in the LA Fit Expo Jan 30.

I was not planning on doing a meet till the spring or summer 2011 and just "relax" over the winter (aka get hella jacked and just do fun body building stuff in addition to weightlifting.) It would have been a nice mental break. But since I qualified to lift because of the USPF State Games I thought that I should. Out of 5 girls invited to compete I am ranked 3'd in DL and 4th or 5th in Bench. In the 132-165 # weight class. My bench sucks. :) Its all Raw for me at least. Oh well, it will be a fun two month training period and after that I am gonna take a break and rock out!! I am actually gonna follow a diet too and eat regular meals and protein and stuff. OMG! lets see what miracles happen!


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