Our Mission

Stocking Athletics provides expert training and instruction for both athletes training for sports and the everyday person looking to increase their fitness levels. 

We take athletic training and make it accessible for our clients. Whether you are a professional athlete  looking to develop more power, explosiveness  and speed, or  a stay at home mom looking to get back into your high school jeans, we can teach you the right way to train based on your individual fitness level and experience. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I realize, I get so cold/When I was young, I was already old.

As the darkest, coldest hours of the year comes forth as the Winter Solstice, the astro sign of Capricorn begins and continues till the middle of Jan.

In my "humble" opinion ( I just say humble b/c as a Capricorn I know I always know best, okay? lol) its a pretty amazing sign to have.  Some might say that its all bullshit, but I have noticed that all the Caps I know have a similar aura and similar traits and a silent confident way we carry ourselves.

We usually get underestimated -because we aren't a loud obnoxious Fire sign or a sprightly Air sign, or a over emotional weird-o Water sign. (generalizations haha!!)-because instead of TALKING about what we are going to do, or what we have done in the past, we let our actions speak louder than our words.

We will climb the highest mountain and never surrender. Quitting is seriously NOT an option. When we put our mind to something we have will power to control ourselves to a scary degree.

We aren't showy. we usually wear dark colors and love mysterious and evil things. we know were are badass and don't need to announce it to world (ahem, Leo's!!).

We are sexy and dark. and we don't need to show it off to get what we want. we would rather earn it.

We are serious. Everything we do is part of plan for greatness. Get the hell outta the way if you aren't gonna help us or watch out.

We have a dry, whitty sense of humor. Knock knock jokes don't cut it. weird oddities do.

While we may come off as stubborn, we are actually just being patient and biding our time all while calculating master plans in our heads.

We love work. when we aren't working towards a goal we go freaking crazy! we love goals and dislike people that are ambitionless and floaty and change their minds every 5 seconds. we know that "talent and luck" don't exist and are just a result of hard work!

We will do anything for the ones we love and destroy the ones that threaten us. without any hesitation.

Unless you are amazing in some sort of way, or unique we just don't care about you and in fact don't even know you exist.

All in all I really like my sign and find it quite true and I am very glad that I use my traits to make myself the best Strength Athlete that I can be. I find great pleasure in all the training I have to do to become one and hopefully I will one day live/lift up to what I know I can accomplish.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Speed Force!!!/Keep Squatting and you'll get there.


Speed-Force or Speed-Strength is often a term used in sports to describe the application of an Explosive Movement. Anything where you are pushing or pulling as hard as you can for less than a second or two. It's an anaerobic effort. The maximum effort your muscles can exert in the shortest/"fastest" amount of time. Former UCLA Head Strength & Conditioning Coach Doc Kreis was really into "Speed Strength."

Some examples of Speed Force/Strength are Throwing Sports (shot put, javelin, hammer, discus) and Weightlifting (Snatch and Clean and Jerk). With Throwing, the weight stays the same and the distance tries to be increased. 

Check out my friend Christina Scherwin!!

With Weightlifting the weight lifted tries to be increased and the distance (floor to overhead) stays the same. 

This a Aimee Anaya Everett, she is amazing and very inspiring to me!

So they are kinda opposite, but the maximum about of force created stays the same. You give 100% effort each time. Or at least at 80-90% and above. Training for a sport that requires you to move a heavy object is different than training for a sport were the object is relatively light. Strength is a DETERMINING factor in success, as well as TECHNIQUE. You can be strong as freaking bull but if your form is shit, you will not throw far or lift what you are theoretically capable of. 

Soo the questions remains...what music should you listen to while trying to develop Speed Force/Strength? 

Well....how about Maxxxwell Carlisle's new shredding the fuck out metal instrumental album called SPEED FORCE?!!!? it rocks majorly and I did the album layout and my muse J.J. did the photos! 

Check out a sampler of songs and seriously buy the album on Itunes. Don't be cheap sauce, okay? 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fit Expo

The only news I have is that I am gonna Bench and Deadlift in the LA Fit Expo Jan 30.

I was not planning on doing a meet till the spring or summer 2011 and just "relax" over the winter (aka get hella jacked and just do fun body building stuff in addition to weightlifting.) It would have been a nice mental break. But since I qualified to lift because of the USPF State Games I thought that I should. Out of 5 girls invited to compete I am ranked 3'd in DL and 4th or 5th in Bench. In the 132-165 # weight class. My bench sucks. :) Its all Raw for me at least. Oh well, it will be a fun two month training period and after that I am gonna take a break and rock out!! I am actually gonna follow a diet too and eat regular meals and protein and stuff. OMG! lets see what miracles happen!
