Our Mission

Stocking Athletics provides expert training and instruction for both athletes training for sports and the everyday person looking to increase their fitness levels. 

We take athletic training and make it accessible for our clients. Whether you are a professional athlete  looking to develop more power, explosiveness  and speed, or  a stay at home mom looking to get back into your high school jeans, we can teach you the right way to train based on your individual fitness level and experience. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I realize, I get so cold/When I was young, I was already old.

As the darkest, coldest hours of the year comes forth as the Winter Solstice, the astro sign of Capricorn begins and continues till the middle of Jan.

In my "humble" opinion ( I just say humble b/c as a Capricorn I know I always know best, okay? lol) its a pretty amazing sign to have.  Some might say that its all bullshit, but I have noticed that all the Caps I know have a similar aura and similar traits and a silent confident way we carry ourselves.

We usually get underestimated -because we aren't a loud obnoxious Fire sign or a sprightly Air sign, or a over emotional weird-o Water sign. (generalizations haha!!)-because instead of TALKING about what we are going to do, or what we have done in the past, we let our actions speak louder than our words.

We will climb the highest mountain and never surrender. Quitting is seriously NOT an option. When we put our mind to something we have will power to control ourselves to a scary degree.

We aren't showy. we usually wear dark colors and love mysterious and evil things. we know were are badass and don't need to announce it to world (ahem, Leo's!!).

We are sexy and dark. and we don't need to show it off to get what we want. we would rather earn it.

We are serious. Everything we do is part of plan for greatness. Get the hell outta the way if you aren't gonna help us or watch out.

We have a dry, whitty sense of humor. Knock knock jokes don't cut it. weird oddities do.

While we may come off as stubborn, we are actually just being patient and biding our time all while calculating master plans in our heads.

We love work. when we aren't working towards a goal we go freaking crazy! we love goals and dislike people that are ambitionless and floaty and change their minds every 5 seconds. we know that "talent and luck" don't exist and are just a result of hard work!

We will do anything for the ones we love and destroy the ones that threaten us. without any hesitation.

Unless you are amazing in some sort of way, or unique we just don't care about you and in fact don't even know you exist.

All in all I really like my sign and find it quite true and I am very glad that I use my traits to make myself the best Strength Athlete that I can be. I find great pleasure in all the training I have to do to become one and hopefully I will one day live/lift up to what I know I can accomplish.


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