Our Mission

Stocking Athletics provides expert training and instruction for both athletes training for sports and the everyday person looking to increase their fitness levels. 

We take athletic training and make it accessible for our clients. Whether you are a professional athlete  looking to develop more power, explosiveness  and speed, or  a stay at home mom looking to get back into your high school jeans, we can teach you the right way to train based on your individual fitness level and experience. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I realize, I get so cold/When I was young, I was already old.

As the darkest, coldest hours of the year comes forth as the Winter Solstice, the astro sign of Capricorn begins and continues till the middle of Jan.

In my "humble" opinion ( I just say humble b/c as a Capricorn I know I always know best, okay? lol) its a pretty amazing sign to have.  Some might say that its all bullshit, but I have noticed that all the Caps I know have a similar aura and similar traits and a silent confident way we carry ourselves.

We usually get underestimated -because we aren't a loud obnoxious Fire sign or a sprightly Air sign, or a over emotional weird-o Water sign. (generalizations haha!!)-because instead of TALKING about what we are going to do, or what we have done in the past, we let our actions speak louder than our words.

We will climb the highest mountain and never surrender. Quitting is seriously NOT an option. When we put our mind to something we have will power to control ourselves to a scary degree.

We aren't showy. we usually wear dark colors and love mysterious and evil things. we know were are badass and don't need to announce it to world (ahem, Leo's!!).

We are sexy and dark. and we don't need to show it off to get what we want. we would rather earn it.

We are serious. Everything we do is part of plan for greatness. Get the hell outta the way if you aren't gonna help us or watch out.

We have a dry, whitty sense of humor. Knock knock jokes don't cut it. weird oddities do.

While we may come off as stubborn, we are actually just being patient and biding our time all while calculating master plans in our heads.

We love work. when we aren't working towards a goal we go freaking crazy! we love goals and dislike people that are ambitionless and floaty and change their minds every 5 seconds. we know that "talent and luck" don't exist and are just a result of hard work!

We will do anything for the ones we love and destroy the ones that threaten us. without any hesitation.

Unless you are amazing in some sort of way, or unique we just don't care about you and in fact don't even know you exist.

All in all I really like my sign and find it quite true and I am very glad that I use my traits to make myself the best Strength Athlete that I can be. I find great pleasure in all the training I have to do to become one and hopefully I will one day live/lift up to what I know I can accomplish.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Speed Force!!!/Keep Squatting and you'll get there.


Speed-Force or Speed-Strength is often a term used in sports to describe the application of an Explosive Movement. Anything where you are pushing or pulling as hard as you can for less than a second or two. It's an anaerobic effort. The maximum effort your muscles can exert in the shortest/"fastest" amount of time. Former UCLA Head Strength & Conditioning Coach Doc Kreis was really into "Speed Strength."

Some examples of Speed Force/Strength are Throwing Sports (shot put, javelin, hammer, discus) and Weightlifting (Snatch and Clean and Jerk). With Throwing, the weight stays the same and the distance tries to be increased. 

Check out my friend Christina Scherwin!!

With Weightlifting the weight lifted tries to be increased and the distance (floor to overhead) stays the same. 

This a Aimee Anaya Everett, she is amazing and very inspiring to me!

So they are kinda opposite, but the maximum about of force created stays the same. You give 100% effort each time. Or at least at 80-90% and above. Training for a sport that requires you to move a heavy object is different than training for a sport were the object is relatively light. Strength is a DETERMINING factor in success, as well as TECHNIQUE. You can be strong as freaking bull but if your form is shit, you will not throw far or lift what you are theoretically capable of. 

Soo the questions remains...what music should you listen to while trying to develop Speed Force/Strength? 

Well....how about Maxxxwell Carlisle's new shredding the fuck out metal instrumental album called SPEED FORCE?!!!? it rocks majorly and I did the album layout and my muse J.J. did the photos! 

Check out a sampler of songs and seriously buy the album on Itunes. Don't be cheap sauce, okay? 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fit Expo

The only news I have is that I am gonna Bench and Deadlift in the LA Fit Expo Jan 30.

I was not planning on doing a meet till the spring or summer 2011 and just "relax" over the winter (aka get hella jacked and just do fun body building stuff in addition to weightlifting.) It would have been a nice mental break. But since I qualified to lift because of the USPF State Games I thought that I should. Out of 5 girls invited to compete I am ranked 3'd in DL and 4th or 5th in Bench. In the 132-165 # weight class. My bench sucks. :) Its all Raw for me at least. Oh well, it will be a fun two month training period and after that I am gonna take a break and rock out!! I am actually gonna follow a diet too and eat regular meals and protein and stuff. OMG! lets see what miracles happen!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Weightlifiting has given me

Wow, I haven't updated this in months! 

Here are some character traits that weightlifting has instilled in me. Even if I never competed or trained to compete again, these are with me for life and part of me!
Some of these blend into others, but you get the idea. 


I think the most important thing that weightlifting has given me has been self-confidence. It would shock people that know me today, but when I was younger I didn’t have a lot of self-confidence! I hadn’t done anything to EARN it yet. I felt like I had nothing to offer the world and was too scared of failure and rejection to go beyond my comfort zone. As a result I did not do and try a lot of activities that I really wanted to. (When I started my job people thought I was a transfer from another store because I carried myself with confidence and treated everyone with respect). As a child and in my teens, I thought I was “just not athletic,” which was ridiculous. I was such an agile, explosive and quick girl. I was always running, jumping and throwing. Later in life it was just a matter of finding the right sport for me.

Weightlifting and Powerlifting are sports that I love so much that I would make almost any sacrifice for and sometimes that sacrifice is my self-comfort and emotional self-defense.  Other times it is hanging out with friends or making more money. When you find your (true) passion, nothing can stand in your way.

When you lift you need confidence, confidence that you CAN MAKE THE LIFT. There where times at UCLA when the athlete lifting would seem unconfident and say something along the lines of  “oh, I don’t know if I can make it” or “this is really heavy.” We would say to them “then stop  don’t go and get your fucking head straight! If you don’t have 1000% confidence that you are gonna KILL it, then don’t even bother.”


All Sports teach patience, as well as confidence. That’s why it is soo important that children are involved in sports in some way.

Okay, so you want to lift a certain total, right? You say you want it NOW? Well, too fucking bad. Try and push results, weights, try to do everything at once and eventually you will get hurt and then you’re in trouble. You can’t force progress; it’s a SLOOOW process. It will sneak up on you. Today my friend, who doesn’t give out bullshit compliments, said my shoulders are looking awesome. Nice!!! I hadn’t even noticed because I look at them everyday!

Weightlifting teaches so much patience. Every kilo more lifted is progress. There are no “miracles” or “surprises” with weightlifting. The fact that it’s just you and the bar and no outside circumstances is very humbling. Every success and every missed attempt (er, opportunity to learn) is yours and yours ALONE. Try. Miss. Try again. Miss. Well, what to do next? Think and try again. Step away knowing that you will be back tomorrow. Its all in due time, even if you never “make it” to the Olympics.


Snatch and Clean & Jerk are arguably the most explosive, dynamic and powerful movements in all sports. It all happens in under a SECOND. Focus is a MUST. Focus on keeping the right body parts tight and the right ones taunt. Focus on pushing as hard you possibly can and focus on pulling under as strong you can! Focus! Focus! Focus! You can’t have any thoughts because the movements too fast. The moment a thought enters your mind, you miss. At meets and in training people and judges are watching you. You have to ignore them, ignore their questions, and ignore their actions.  You have to be selfish. You have to focus on a singular goal of improving the classic lifts and back squat/front squat. Most people FAIL because they are unable to have a singular focus. Americans especially want it all. We want to be the strongest, the most cardio conditioned, the most ripped, and THEN want to be awesome at the O-Lifts! Sorry son, not gonna happen! Unless you want to get hella hurt. Try Crossfit. Sorry my dears!


In weightlifting things don’t always go your way. In fact most of the time nothing goes “your way.” Rather you must FIND A WAY. When you have a goal, or goals that all lead to the same thing (ie, to snatch a certain weight you have to back squat a certain weight and overhead support a certain about of weight, etc, etc.), you have to stay inspired and be determined to keep training even if it seems like the goal is light years away.  What makes weightlifting beautiful is also what makes it so hard to stick with. Weightlifting is a constant, never ending process. There will always and forever be someone lifting more than you.  You can ALWAYS improve.  You have to have a certain about of “crazy” or “stubbornness” to stick with weightlifting for any extended amount of time, but I like to call it Determination instead.


Weightlifting is a very humbling sport. One day you can lift a personal best and the next day fail at the same weight horribly. There’s a centimeter margin of error. You either make the lift beautifully or fail horribly. It’s very extreme. That’s why it looks so easy when you make a lift, but when you miss it looks like you're going to dislocate everything! The extremeness of it is what makes weightlifting addicting. The rush of a perfect lift.

Weightlifting is a hard sport to stick with because there is zero monetary compensation and not any public recognition beyond our lil circle of the strength world. You do it because you think its badass, amazing and different.

Weightlifting taught me not to take anything for granted.
I can’t take any weight for granted.
I can’t take my health for granted.
I can’t take my training facility for granted.
I can’t take my friends or family for granted.
I can’t take my job or my car for granted.
It could all be taken away in a second.
Because there are literally thousands of lifters in the world much better than you it keeps you very humble. I am a good lifter for the gym people I am around wherever I go and lift at, but in the grand or even not so grand scheme of things, I am not that accomplished at all! I am a lil fish. So if someone compliments me, I take it with a grain of salt and put it in perspective in my head. Otherwise my head would explode and I would walk around thinking I am the greatest gift to the world. Which would be really lame and not very cool! 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

It reminds him that he is alive

My friend Garth wrote this and I love it...

"Fighters fight, we win, we lose, but the true fighter just wants to do it again because he knows no other way, its in his soul, in his blood, its in the little smirk he wears, he needs the competition, he needs the challenge, he needs to get hit, it reminds him that he is alive."

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Last two weeks of training....

Since everyone else posts their training, I thought I would do the same thing ( for the 3 girls that this might interest...lol). It will be good for me keep better track of my volume and intensity. Also if any of the coaches I know could look over it and offer advice, that would be much appreciated! getting ready for a PL meet in a month and working on Power in O-lifts. People always ask me about my lifting so here ya go...

#= pounds. 

July 25-July 30 training notes

Sometimes I bike for like 15-30 min before and I warm up for about 15-20 minutes. 
I like to be nice and loose and joints pain free. Less time to train this week, so cut out some Olympic lifting volume to concentrate my legs and arms for strength lifts.

Day 1 Sunday
Power snatch+ snatch balance 3+3 8 sets @ 54 kilos and 56 kilos

Back Squat
Warm up sets……then
245 lbs x1
265 x1 lbs
275x1 lbs
285x1 lbs

work sets

245 9x3


Shoulder press
95lbs x5
100lbs x5,5,5,5,

Goodmorning, shrugs, pull ups, tri, rear delts, core

Day 2- Monday- not really into it.

Power Clean and Split Jerk
64 K x2
68k x2
Squat clean and jerk- 80x1,1. Sucked
Power Clean and J -lower back down
68 x1
78 x1 squat ish

Front Squat

185 lbs x5
205 5x3, no belt

Back Squat Lockouts, from a little above parallel
275lbs 5x4

Regular assistance stuff

Tuesday day 3

Snatch push press 135 lbs 5x5
Snatch High pull 115 lbs x5, 5
125 x 5,5,5

135 lbs x5
225x3, or 5?
275 x1

295 5x3--!!!! Yes!!

Behind Neck Press
95 lbs 5x5

Incline bench
Goodmorning, shrugs, rows, tri, core

Wed day 4

Back Squats
Warm up then…


Rack Squats lockuts

275 x5
315 x5,4

Shoulder Press
105x 5x5-yes!

Assistance stuff, core

Thursday-HORRIBLE life day! Fuck! So annoyed

Power Snatch
45 Kx 3,3, 5x5, pause below knee

Snatch High Pulls, 54 k 5x5

Bench, forgot routine, so I did
155 lbs 5x3-yes!!! No spotter

Push Press 145 lbs 5x3

Some assistance, pull ups, tri, ect

Friday Day 6
Soo tired

Power Clean + Power Jerk + Split Jerk
68 k 10 singles


Dumbbell bench press, for fun! Coordination weird! Haha


not really hard but awkward b/c I don’t do them EVER!


257 x2
315 x 5 singles!!
275 3x3- should have done more, but tired from WORK. I AM NOT OVERTRAINED.

Rack DL-no straps

Behind Neck Press
85 lbs 5x5

Goodmorning, shrugs, rows, tri, core, windmills

July 19-23 2010-training notes


-3 Power Snatch+ 3 Snatch Balance-10 sets @ 54 kilos. no straps. Hella Strong!! WOW!!

-Back Squat- ( in #s)
work up to a heavy single!
235 x2
245 x1
265 x1

work sets 10x3
225 3,3,3,3
245 3,3,3,3,3,3

-Behind the neck Snatch Press. 85 # 5x5
-some Stop Squats @ 165# 2 or 3 sets of 5-7 reps, dont recall...
-Good Mornings- 1 or 2 sets of 10 @ 145-155. do them every day....almost
-Bench- following Pavels Series complex, too weird to write it all. just know I bench between 135-170 five times a week to get ready for my PL meet in Sept. its a lil everyday, never going crazy
-Shrugs, rows, assistance, core

-Power Clean and Split Jerk
64 k -1, 1
70 K-2,2
73 k-1
75- 2,2,1,2---great flip over/catch! YES!

-Front Squat
185# x3
205 # x3
225 #x1

work sets

205 # -7 sets of 3

-Front Shoulder Press
95 #x5
105# x 5,4,5,5,5

-Deadlift-goal: between 5-10 sets of 3 at 245 plus...
225# x5

-assistance, core etc
like a Snatch assistance day, without actually snatching since I am benching.

-Snatch Push Press
145 # 5x3

-Snatch High Pull ( below knee)
125 # 5x5

-low shoulder dumbbell complex
-3 diff types of Plyo's-def effected my leg power the next day in a BAD way! fuck that shit!
-pull ups, rows, core etc

-Power Clean and Split Jerk
legs are zapped. boo , shitty day.

64k x2
68k x2,2,2,
73k x 1p 1 squat. damn
78k x 1 p 1 squat. damn
73k x 1p 1 squat. damn
73k x 1p 1 squat. damn.

-Back Squat
225# 5x5, no belt. sooo tired! so no heavy single!

-Front Shoulder Press
95 x5
120 x1, 1
110 x 3,3,3

Good Morning 80 kilos 2x10 easy.
assistance a bit

-Power Snatch
45 Kilos x3
55 x1 power 1 squat
55 x1 power 1 squat

start squatting under....
64- 10 singles

-Snatch Push Press
135 # x5
145 # x3,5,5
155 x2
145 x 4,5,5

Conventional Deadlift-no straps
work up to heavy single....
295 x1

work sets...
275 x3
255 x3
295 x2,3,2

Rack Lockouts at 315 straps about 5 sets at 3-5 reps

Bench- 170 for heavy single at end of workout. raw PR.

Hella Assistance.....

I do more assistance than normal WL people. I feel that it keeps me healthy and able to train harder and long without getting hurt. This doesn't even look like that much stuff....damn gym people talking to me and Zapping my precious training time! LOL!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Gold's Gym Slide Show

only kinda joking....

Check out some pics of me and other people from Golds gym, where I am mainly training at now. I will have some more pics in a bit, of Plyo's, bench, and some upper body. Jerry took pics of me while I was finishing my workout.


Monday, July 12, 2010

CA State Games + Training "Partners"

I did the California State Games this past weekend. I actually had the best meet I have ever had! I made all my attempts and felt really strong, even though it was at 9 am in the morning! I am very happy. I wish I could have lifted more weight, but I really can't complain at all.  JUST HAVE TO GET STRONGER and work on the weak points I see and feel.

I have been soo frustrated with Snatching lately that I just wanted to get this meet over with and do a training cycle where I concentrate on powerlifting, and get to bench and deadlift. I have been planning this. It is not a spur of the moment decision.  Even though you know I can't not snatch! but it will be nice not to have it stress me out. Damn my long arms and mushy elbows! lol.

I have been snatching the same weight for years and have been trying to snatch 70 kilos in competition for about 1.5 years. I have been coaching myself for the past 6-3 months, based on what I have learned from my past coaches, and have also had a bunch of personal issues, or rather changes for the better!  I have a whole bunch of awesome people in my life right now. I feel like I can finally get on with my life.

I love training alone and have never had a training "partner." I don't want someone to follow me (or I follow them) around and lift the same sets and reps and weights and whatnot. blah blah blah.  I want to go at my own crazy ass pace and/or chill pace and take my rest periods how I want. I do, however, really like lifting with a "team" especially a team that has the same attitude that I do. They don't even have to do the same sport. I really liked working out at the same time as the UCLA Throwers! hell yeah! or even the ucla football team, because when you see people lift more weight than you, you (or I) want to train harder and faster and longer.  I love training at Gold's gym! I can do whatever crazy thing I want and no one gives a shit because 80% of the people are outta their freaking minds! Lifting with pro bodybuilders and fitness models make me love Strength Sports even more! but we both are sorta outta our minds and so we all get along. =)

But when I think about it, many, many people have had an influence on me and I have lifted with some pretty amazing people. It is pretty amazing that I can call International Level Athletes from other countries my friends. Thanks to UCLA Athletics. I have so many resources and friends that I can turn to for Weightlifting help, advice and support and that really gives me confidence and makes me feel like everything will turn out OK.

What I love most about Powerlifting and Weightlifting is that while you are competing against others, it really is an individual sport and you can really only lift what you can lift. Even if you "Want It", if you are not strong enough or fast enough or most likely SKILLED enough, you won't "get it." If your competition makes lift and beats you, you still cheer and are happy for them because you know how hard it is to improve and whatnot.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

a fire in my heart.

When you are pursuing a hobby, sport, or whatever and love it with your whole heart and soul, you can't live and pursue it by other people's or the general norm's "rules".  
Even though my passion is weightlifting and strength training to be the absolute strongest girl (er, woman, now I guess) I can be, while still being in shape and not fat, this applies to any passion one has. I know a few people that go their own way and make their own rules and stay true to them no matter what other people say. And they inspire me. I am lucky enough to know quite a few badass chicks (and dudes and family!) and see them quite frequently in the gym, or outside the gym. Unmotivated people will always be jealous of those with drive, motivation and a fire in their heart and will say things to put the other person down or make them seem "crazy", or "obsessed." Whatever. 

Like crabs in a bucket that try to keep the leaders of the pack from escaping, the passionless people will try to bring others down with them with their backhanded compliments, obnoxious questions, and just plain rudeness. Similar to people that have drinking or drug problems and try to pressure others to join them in their destructive behavior.  

When you finally find and discover the activity that you love so much it makes your heart hurt if it is taken away from you, and you would make any sacrifice to have in your life, then you have found your motivation to always work hard and give everything you got. its not even a question. 

My brother Greg loves Jiu-Jitsu and drives to Davis every sunday to train with a certain group of people, even though he lives about 2 hours away. He has taken his time to get his second degree black belt, testing soon, to make sure that he knows and is completely competent in all the techniques and whatnot because he really respects the art and being able to teach it to others. 

My mom is virtually unstoppable! She stopped working for 20 ( ! ) years to raise my two brothers and I, then went BACK to school after 20 years, got a new Masters Degree and fought hard to get an awesome job at the FDA. Now she goes to work everyday for a job she loves, keeps getting more and more responsibilities because she is so amazing, and travels all over the world; like England, for work and for fun; like Lebanon and around the USA all the time. Now...if I could only get her to workout....=)

I did quite a few things before I found lifting and when I found lifting I felt like a door had been opened and that I could FINALLY BE ME! I finally felt like I had come home. It was amazing. I do not understand why some people need "motivation" to work hard, train hard, and give 100% for each and every lift. I TRAIN EVERY DAY LIKE ITS MY LAST. Because it very well could be. If I get hit by a car or whatever, I want to die knowing that I left all I had on the platform, or in the squat rack. To me it is Obvious. I love to work hard at what I love and the thought of quitting half way though or half assing it is incomprehensible to me. Its disgusting to me. If you need to have all this outside motivation, then QUIT, stop complaining, and find something that DRIVES you! 

Don't ever let anyone take away your passion, drive, or self-confidence. If they do and try to stop you or make you feel "guilty" or "shameful" for trying to pursue what you love, then screw 'em. They aren't your real friends and they don't really give a shit about you. And if you can't give the same respect to others then you are a selfish friend, girl/boyfriend, husband, wife, family member.  

Mangaia Cook Islands

Today there is Solar Eclipse as well...nice! This is a live image from the Mangaia Cook Islands. It will also be very visible over EASTER ISLAND, which I am sort of obsessed with and want to visit!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pauline Nordin's Butt Bible E-Book

Pauline Nordin’s latest e-book, “The Butt Bible” provides the reader with a wide range of glute exercises and butt-training routines. She includes a number of different programs with varying levels of intensity from the absolute beginner to short-on-time programs to more advanced routines. All of the exercises are well explained and simple to execute with clear images that demonstrate the proper form. Pauline knows what she’s talking about. She is a walking, talking example of her own techniques and truly practices what she preaches. I often train at the same gym as her (Gold’s Gym in Venice California) and I see her first hand incorporating many of the “Butt Bible” exercises into her own routines on a daily basis.

Regardless of your sport or goal, a strong posterior chain is an absolute necessity. This is built by hardcore, old-school exercises like Squats, Deadlifts and Lunges. All of these exercises build a strong foundation from which a strong, beautiful, functional body can be crafted. Pauline really drives home the importance of these fundamental exercises and teaches the reader/trainer not only how to properly apply these exercise but also how to work through sticking points and problem areas. Some of my favorites are the Hip Mobility exercises that Pauline outlines to help increase the depth of your squats and the flexibility of your hips. There is a huge difference in glute activation between full and partial squats, yet many people have a problem with this basic aspect of the exercise. It’s well thought out details like that which really make this e-book invaluable. The best part is, these exercises and tips are useful to everyone! From hardcore athletes to fitness competitors and models to the everyday gym member with aspirations of having an amazing backside.

Pauline also has a number of other e-books that can help round out your butt training with proper cardio and nutrition. “Cardio: Fighter Diet Style“, “Fighter Diet” and “Fighter Diet Extreme” or even her “Guide to Nutrition” are all great additions. As a competitive Weightlifter, Powerlifter, and Personal Trainer, I highly recommend this e-book and encourage anyone who wants a stronger, healthier and sexier backside to put it on the top of his or her need-to-read list!

Order it at her website

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Have some respect!

In the lifting, gym world there are a lot of unspoken etiquette rules that, unless you are serious lifter or athlete, you are probably unaware of. In fact, I can tell how experienced a lifter one is by the respect they show others. In Powerlifting and Weightlifting we are lifting and hoisting serious weight over our heads/ supporting it on our backs. Squats, deadlifts, bench press, snatching and clean and jerking are hardcore lifting because of the element of danger and explosive power involved. It commands respect. This is not machine bullshit, burn out sets. When someone squats big weight everyone watches. When someone jerks more than their body weight overhead, you watch, because intuitively you know its badass. 
                                                                   Very Badass Indeed.
Here are some Rules when it com to Weightlifting and Powerlfiting:

1) The Area around the platform or Squat Rack should be uncluttered and free of random plates and barbells or people exercising close by. There should be enough space for the lifter to miss a weight and jump out of the way without running into anything.
                                                                                     aww man not again!

2) Respect the pre lift prep: Before the athlete preforms the lift, even if it is a light warm up weight, DO NOT TALK TO THEM. Respect the visualization process. Before we lift athletes visualize the attempt and I personally imagine myself with the weight locked out and my standing up, I close my eyes and steady my breathing. We get into our calm arousal state. When someone talks it breaks this concentration. It is very disruptive and disturbing and shows a HUGE lack of respect. 

There have been MANY MANY times where I am about to perform a lift and someone says something stupid or starts talking or asking me questions or just says "hi". It defiantly breaks my concentration. So I usually ignore people and sit kinda hidden. Even in a D1 University setting, some coaches violate this rule and post up in your face to chat (I swear, but I am not going to name names.) Some people who claim to be have been great lifters even talk to me WHILE I am lifting, and not even about lifting! its very very rude. Before a lifter goes, NO ONE SHOULD TALK. You can give encouragement, then shut the hell up.

                                                 The awesome Kara Bohigian Smith. her blog is www.karasblog.com

                                                                                              My friend Emilio
3) Stupid Questions: If someone is seriously training, it is not a PERSONAL INVITATION FOR CONVERSATION. Do not ask "How much weight is that?", "wow you look great, nice butt! "What are you doing?" "Wow that is cool, can you show me?".
In fact, don't even compliment lifter. They don't care about getting compliments. They care about lifting big weights, not your approval.

4) Don't Stare or Hover, or try stump us on Old School Trivia: Please do not stare and hover around the squat rack or platform. We do not want to talk to you. We are training. Talking is for later. And Yes, I know more about lifting history than you. I know who Doug Hepburn was, I know what the "bent press" is, and I know what IronMind is and sells, and what a MonoLift is.

                                                                       Doug Hepburn Squatting a hell of a lot of weight

5) Taking over our space for Curls, etc: Nothing quirks serious lifters more than jackass's doing Biceps Curls in the Squat Rack. It is NEVER ok to take up a squat rack to do curls, unless you are   Dorian Yates or Jay Culter,  then its ok. Because they are awesome.
                                                                                                Not Ok, Bro!

6) Get outta my face: Do not stand on front or on the side of a lifter before they execute. Stay out of the line of vision. Nothing is more distracting that starting at someone's ugly mug while jumping under weight. Do not walk by. Do not sit and watch. This is not a "show."

7) Powerlifting IS NOT Weightlifting. I don't know why people get this confused soo much. Powerlifting is the BACK SQUAT, BENCH PRESS and DEADLIFT. Weightlifting is the SNATCH, and CLEAN AND JERK. They are DIFFERENT SPORTS.

8) Respect your training equipment.  We take care of our equipment because it is expensive and  shows our respect to the sport. Clean up your area and unrack your weights and put them away. Wipe down the platform or machine and wipe up the chalk spills.

9) The "deadlift platform" is not the "weightlifting platform." The dead "platform" is ON THE FLOOR, ANYWHERE!!!, not on the wooden platforms! When Metal plates hit the wood, it breaks the wood apart and destroys the platform. So don't deadlift on wooden platforms.

Just had to get that off my chest and hopefully you have learned a few things on how to be a better more respectful gym rat.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Coach Doc Kreis, former UCLA head strength and conditioning coach/entrepreneur extraordinaire/all around inspirational human being would say the most confusing and awesome quotes. You really had to THINK about what he meant through his thick southern drawl. I will share some as time goes on but one that fits for me right now is FIND A WAY!.

I just got my new female Weightlifting bar in the mail from Exertools.com, and now it is ON!!! I take it to the gym with me now and do not leave it there, as my other one got stolen from the gym. SO I look like a complete weirdo, psychopath, for brining my own bar, but it is soo awesome and feels soo good in my hands that I don't care. Yes, I am on a different level than normal people. All Athletes are and have to be. 
I had a great workout friday with my new bar, snatching 65 kilos for 6 singles and clean and jerking 85 for 6 singles better than I had the entire week, as well as hitting a great 90 kg clean and 92 kg, at the end of an intense OL week, where I snatched 65 and clean and jerked 85 almost daily. I changed my set up a bit so it is more dynamic and I can lock in my torso a bit more.  

So most people would just give up and quit, but I think Strength Athletes in general are a little nuts and we find a way to make our situations work. Weightlifting is a hard sport to do in the USA because of the lack of adequate training centers, but we still find a way and ban together and help each other out. We create our own gyms and drive crazy distances to train at WL gyms and we are all "one step" removed from each other. 

SO here is my favorite video of the Doc...Thats Tendons and Ligaments! yes, he is that inspiring ALL THE TIME!!! 