Our Mission

Stocking Athletics provides expert training and instruction for both athletes training for sports and the everyday person looking to increase their fitness levels. 

We take athletic training and make it accessible for our clients. Whether you are a professional athlete  looking to develop more power, explosiveness  and speed, or  a stay at home mom looking to get back into your high school jeans, we can teach you the right way to train based on your individual fitness level and experience. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

*49% Motherfucker. 51% Son of a Bitch*

I am a huge Motorhead fan and obviously the documentary on Lemmy Kilmister had me frothing at the mouth in anticipation.  Oddly, I learned so much about MYSELF from the film, not just the fucking amazing badassness that is LEMMY. Various interviewers asked him throughout the film how it felt to still be creating, recording music and touring at 63 years old. Being a man of few words, but all the right ones, he simply says something along the lines of “I’m not qualified to do anything else, really.” The drummer says “They said motorhead was the worst band in the world, well the kids are showing up to see the worst band in the world!”

Motorhead has released 25 albums. There is no end. In the beginning they did not have an endpoint. I love that Lemmy keeps doing what he loves. He lives in a little 1 bedroom off the sunset strip and pays $900 a month and won't move because it's rent controlled and right by The Rainbow Bar and Grill. He says he doesn’t need more. 

He can do what he loves, that’s all that matters. 
That’s beautiful to me. 

With weightlifting or any sport, or even just working out to be in better shape/stronger, there is no endpoint either. Someone I know wrote this:

"The destination truly never comes. The closer you get, the further away it moves."

You have to enjoy the journey, enjoy the struggle, enjoy the pain! Not just enjoy the pain: LOVE the pain! To create your destiny you must be in control of the journey, knowing where to turn your sail. In every endeavor in life you are progressing or regressing. There is NO middle ground, stagnation means regression... Basically if you are not pushing to get better you are moving backwards, getting worse. THE DESTINATION NEVER COMES.

so enjoy the sweat pouring off you know and always give 100% in whatever you do! 

Just like my hero, Lemmy Kilmister! *49% Motherfucker. 51% Son of a Bitch*

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